Sejak aku masuk ofis dari pagi tadi, belum ada task dan assignment yang ku tunggu2 untuk memenuhi keperluan praktikalku dan juga masa lapangku. Jadi, aku post entry baru lagi. Tajuk kali ni memang untuk sapa2 yang kurus kering melidi cam aku ni nak jadi gemuk. Tak perlu supplement or herbalife or ginseng untuk makanan tambahan. Ikut ja petua ni. Penat aku search.
Bagitau kat aku, sapa yang syok jadi kering nih? Meh sini aku lempang sedas. Walopun aku bertubuh kurus kering tapi deep in my heart i really don't like my skinny body. Tiap2 hari aku dengar orang keluh kesah nak kurus la, nak turunkan berat badan la, nak slim body la...mace-mace. Tapi jarang aku dengar nak naikkan berat badan, nak gemuk. Melainkan aku yang slalu cakap nak gemok.....nak gemok. Bukan aku tak bersyukur dengan body aku nih tapi it's just not in my taste. Kadang2 memang best jadi kurus sebab semua baju boleh sebat. Semua seluar skinny pun memang untuk orang macam aku ja. Watdehek? Haha. Tapi sebenarnya memang aku susah nak cari seluar slack. Habis pusing satu Tesco, aku pi cari kat The Store plak. Sian ayah aku, teman je la anak kesayangan dia ni. Hekhekhek.
Ye tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, adik-adik, kakak-kakak, abang-abang yang berisi atau gemuk, hargailah tubuh badan anda itu. Gemuk bukan bererti tak sihat melainkan kalo ada obes, maka kenalah jaga jugak berat badan demi KESIHATAN BADAN ANDA.
Tapi, tapi...tapi...tapi, lagi best kalo badan kita ideal. Makna kata, tak gemuk tak kurus. Nak senang paham, orang kata 'sedap-sedap badan' or 'sedang-sedang elok'. Aku memang taknak perut buncit tapi nak jugak ada isi kat perut ni. Memang sekeping sungguh perut aku. Macam orang kebuluran pun ada. Padahal aku makan elok ja. Aku ni takat tinggi ja buleh bangga sikit, tapi kalo pakai heels bertambah riak la. Walopun begitu, aku akui, memang selalu aku goyah jugak bila beban yang ditanggung lebih beban dari berat aku. Contohnya sekarang ni aku nak pi praktikal kena bawak laptop sendiri sebab company memang tak sediakan PC kat staffs. Semua pun bawak laptop sendiri sebab kerja bidang ICT ni memang banyak benda penting yang kita kena simpan. Sebab tu orang ICT lagi prefer laptop sendiri rather than given PCs from company.
Oleh kerna laptop aku saja dah 3 kilo, aku tambah lagi beg 3P aku dengan telekung, sweater sebab aku duk bawah air cond. Jadi sejuknya macam kat puncak Genting Highland. Dengan charger laptop and excetra..excetra...dekat 4 kilo lebih gak aku galas tiap2 hari. 4kilo je. Ringan jer kan? Macam nak luruh bahu aku rasa hah. Pastu plak bila naik bus rapid ja, kalo tak dapat seat kena berdiri pegang holder gantung tu. Tau la KL kan, trafik merata. Asal sekali driver bus brek ja, aku dah melayang2 kerna anjakan innersia sebab aku ni ringan, pulak tu beg berat. Memang fak ar.
Selain itu juga, tubuh keringku tidak mampu untuk menahan sejuk air cond kat tempat LI ni. Ye lah, semua orang boleh kata berisi jugak kat area aku nih. Sebab tu kot aku sorang ja yang pakai sweater dengan stoking skarang ni. Huehuehue. Aku bet sekarang ni berat aku around 36-37 kilos saja. Memang melayang wa cakap lu. Aku pun riso gak, bulan posa lagi seminggu nak start. Boleh ke aku naikkan berat aku menjelang raya nanti? Tapi takpe. Aku usaha jugak mental fizikal. Ayuhhh!!
Almost all websites I found stated "Eat more calories than you burn". Maknanya disini, kena makan banyak makanan berkalori tinggi daripada memabakar kalori tersebut-versi aku translate. Antara makanan2 sihat yang berkalori tinggi. Please get ready to drool....pumpangpumpang~~~ :-
- Breakfast cereals. Every nutriotionists said, we must not skip our breakfast since it is
the best kickstart for our daily routines. Eventhough we have a very busy schedules, but we must at least had a slice of bread with butter spread on. Nowadays, there are lots of healthy products made of cereals such milo fuze cereals, quaker oat and the very well known, kokocrunch. 10 or 20 grams of cereals is enough. More is better.
-Pasta. Pasta or spaghetti is well known as great suppliers for high calories dish. One serving of cooked pasta contains 75 cal. Maybe when i have free time, i would like to make fried spaghetti with meatballs. Homaigod!
-Peanut butter. Yosh! Now I know why those who never miss to spread peanut butter on
their bread would never categorizes as skinny people. Yet they got pretty well fit and firm body mass. A spread of peanut butter gives 192cal. Super high protein and...healthy for sure.
-Chocolate nut spread. Similar with peanut butter spread, a 100 gram serving has 541
cal. Not only you can enjoy the delicious and sweets munched meal but you'll enjoy the benefits too.( Recommended brand in Malaysia : Nutella)
-Cheese. Hoh! Where do i find this kind of food? Malay people doesn't makes it easy to eat cheddar cheese as necessary meals. but who knows, maybe i could get a slice of Cheese-dale for my tuna sandwic. Ermmm...craving for food now. Ok next!
-Again...Butter/ Margarine. The usage of butter/ margarine in our cooking will gives you at least 36 cal for each 5 gram serving. Imagine the benefits if you use more than that! Bless you~
-Chocolate. pumpangpumpang..! nah. This is the world's most favourite type of food. For the chocolate's fans out there, this is a very good news for you if you want to gain your weight fast. One mini/one bite chocolate bar contains 37 calories. If you wanna put some extra weight, why don't you munch 'em all? Huh, like i care. I'm not a chocoholic neither eat it. But, for the sake of my goal, i will try to have it in my drinks such as Cadbury hot chocolate drinks. Urghhh! my teeth...
- Whole wheat bread. I would prefer processed white bread than this one. Nevermind, i would try at least replace the Gardenia white bread with any brands of wheat bread. One slice of brown variant contains 69cal though.
-Yogurt. Yeah. What you've just read was right. Non fat yogurt could gives you up to 118 cal for each 125gram serving. As well as it is one of diet food, it also have high calories. I went to Tesco Xtra yesterday and what I found was none of the yogurt contains fat. Everything was less fat or 0% fat. Where can I find high fat yogurt?! Huh!
-Pure fruit juice. Not the one you found in bottles but you blends the fruit and serves it by yourself. Drinking pure fruit juice giving you the best of vitamins and nutrients as it needs. Pure fruit juice also contains lot if calories than processed fruit juice.
-Bananas. Oh yeah! My favorite fruit if it not in fruits season(musim buah). Bananas was easy to get wherever you are. Bananas was around us! Go get one because one large banana contains 20 cal. If a large one have 20 cal, then the smaller one 10 cal maybe? Ahah.
-Nuts. Hands up those who likes to munch nuts. One serving nuts gives you 165 cal. Whoaa. Of course nuts would be better in delicious meals compared to munch it raw.
-Olive oil. No wonder why western foods always add this into their cooking. A tablespoon of olive oils contains 40 cal. In short, eat more fried meals is better, right?
-White meat: Chicken. Hurrah! I always love chicken. The chicken breast is supposed to the healthiest and less of fat which contains 78 cal for each 70 grams. Meow.! Love
-Beef. Hohohoho. My peberet ever. If the world would has only food which is meat, i would be blessed. Hehehe. One thick slice of meat contains 153 cal. I should have fried meat whenever i had my meals.
Additionally, keeping good meals mean nothing for those who got high metabolism. From what i searched, or googled to be specific, eat more and often will keep our body fit and will prevent from constantly burning calories from food that has been consumed. For our coming Ramadhan Al-Mubarak, eating dates will keep us stay healthy thus gaining weight. We must not be greedy while choosing foods and likes borong satu bazaar but takes small portions and often at many times will keep our body firm and confortable. Ouh. Dunno whether i able to go to mosque and pray Terawikh like last time cause this time would be different than before. Wish you Selamat Berpuasa dan Sembahyang Terawikh.
dah nak pose.. huhu..
haha...takpa..still boleh naikkan berat badan..ayoh! XD
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